Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Inside my head, a place few people travel

So I have decided to start blogging. (Obviously) I was reading a friends blog the other day and I felt inspired. I feel like a lot of the blogs I have read have been boring and shallow and not something I would read on a regular basis. Hers was honest and genuine and you could tell it was her exact thoughts. I think that I often have trouble expressing my feelings. Typically if people don't ask specifics I don't tell them. Often I interpret their not asking as not caring. I am not sure how true this actually is but that's how it feels. Few people really know all about me, it takes me a long time to open up. This has a lot to do with the way I was raised and maybe even more to do with things that have happened to me throughout the years. I am hoping that this blog can help me with that. Learn to open up a little more and explain what goes on inside my head...scary.

1 comment:

  1. I love traveling to places unknown!
    Thanks for the invitation.

    I applaud you for working things out thru the written word and being brave enough for the world to see.

    This process is much cheaper than psycho therapy! ;)

    Looking forward to the journey
